July 2021

Association between anatomical and clinical outcomes of neovascular age-related macular degeneration treated with anti-VEGF

Vuong Nguyen, Martin Puzo, Jorge Sanchez-Monroy, Pierre-Henry Gabrielle, Catherine C Garcher, Florian Baudin, Benjamin Wolff Laurent Castelnovo, Guillaume Michel, Louise O’Toole, Daniel Barthelmes, Mark C Gillies


Purpose: Assess the relationship between subretinal fluid (SRFL), intraretinal fluid, and visual outcomes of neovascular age-related degeneration in routine clinical practice.

Methods: Treatment-naive eyes enrolled in the Fight Retinal Blindness! registry after January 2017 were identified. Lesion activity was graded at each visit as inactive, active not SRFL only (A-NSRFL only), or active SRFL only (A-SRFL only). Eyes were grouped based on initial activity as follows: 1) initially A-NSRFL only or 2) initially A-SRFL only, and their predominant activity status over 12 months was as follows: 1) mostly inactive, 2) mostly A-NSRFL only, or 3) mostly A-SRFL only.

Results: Seven hundred and three eyes were eligible for analysis. Initially A-NSRFL only had a similar adjusted mean 12-month visual acuity change to initially A-SRFL eyes (5.7 vs. 6.9 letters; P = 0.165), but their final visual acuity was worse (62.5 vs. 67.5 letters at 12 months; P = 0.003). The adjusted mean 12-month visual acuity change between the predominant activity groups was significantly different (P = 0.005), with mostly inactive (7.6 letters) and mostly A-SRFL only (7.5 letters) eyes gaining more than mostly A-NSRFL only eyes (3.6 letters).

Conclusion: Eyes with SRFL only had similar outcomes at 1 year to eyes that were mostly inactive. Intraretinal fluid was associated with worse visual outcomes, highlighting the importance of distinguishing between intraretinal fluid and SRFL when managing neovascular age-related degeneration.